COVID-19 Protocols
To support the safe return of fans, it's important that we all are aware of the clubs COVID protocols. Below is the guidance you need to know on how to safely watch football at Vauxhall Road
To support the safe return of football to Vauxhall Road, we have produced our protocol which is now a public document.
This policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and has been introduced in response to the limited return to work of those involved in the First Team.

Covid-19 Measures In Place For Safe Return of Fans
Covid-19 Checks Before Matchday
Do not attend or enter the ground if you, or any members of your household, have shown signs or symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 24 Hours.
Symptoms: Persistent Dry Cough, Shortness of Breath, Chills/Fevers, Muscle Aches or Pain not experienced before, Loss of Taste or Smell,
In The Past 10 Days
Anyone in your household has had any of the above symptoms or a temperature recorded 37.8c or above.
You have come into contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
You have been in quarantine.
• You have been contacted by the NHS Test & Trace Service
Social Distancing and One Way Systems
Although social distancing is no longer enforced, we still ask you respect other people’s personal space: -
Where one-way systems are in place, please ensure you follow them.
You maintain a safe distance or act safely when passing other fans in seated areas.
Remember to be kind.
Face Masks/Face Coverings
Although facemasks / face coverings are no longer required by law to be worn, we are encouraging fans to try to wear them when queuing or moving around the stadium.
Please ensure you continue to wash your hands regularly and/or use the hand sanitiser provided.
HHTFC will continue to undertake regular cleaning of all public spaces including bars and toilets throughout match day.
Less Crowded Areas
We have kept aside a ‘less crowded’ area, so should you wish to move to that area of the stadium on match day to watch the game, please speak to a steward and we will organise that for you. The area allocated for this service is the left-hand end of the CRK Stand.
Testing & Vaccinations
As it currently stands, we will not require fans to undergo tests or provide COVID vaccination certification prior to entering the Stadium.
We recommend fans take a lateral flow test in advance of match day to ensure they are free of COVID-19 before attending.
Travelling To The Stadium
Please ensure however you choose to travel to the stadium you do it safely and where possible, sustainably.
Arriving At The Stadium
If you have pre-purchased your ticket online, please have your entry ticket available on smart phone or printed ticket ready for scanning.
Separate turnstiles will be used for season ticket and online ticket holders
What Time Do Turnstiles Open
Turnstiles in Vauxhall Road will be open from 1:00 PM or 6:00 PM
Please ensure you give yourselves plenty of time on match day as this is the first time with crowds returning to normal.
Once in the ground, please ensure you go to your viewing position, we would ask that you try to keep migration to a minimum.
Club Shop
The club shop will be open from 2:00 PM or 6:45 PM until kick-off.
Bar Information
The bar will be open on matchdays but if drinking inside we will be operating to 6 to a table with bar service. Users will be operating to the current Government guidelines.
Smoking Information
Smoking, vaping and e-cigarettes will be allowed in the designated smoking area.
Match Day Programme
Programmes are now available on matchday to buy for £2.50. Unfortunately, programme sellers are unable to take credit/debit payments so you will need to bring cash to pay for this
Please ensure you are kind, patient and respectful to all Tudors match day staff who are working with the COVID-19 guidelines to make your match day safe.
Any behaviour, that goes against this may result in ejection from the stadium and possible suspension from future matches.